Hi, my name is

Franco Giuntoli.

I build things for the web.

I’m a software engineer specializing in building digital experiences. Currently, I’m focused on building accessible, human-centered products and integrations atCertainly.

01.About Me

Hello! My name is Franco and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development and animations started back in 2005 when I decided to create Macromedia Flash animations and websites based on trending apps — turns out trying to reproduce OS functionalities & designs taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, I've had the privilege of working at an AI bot platform, which is also a start-up, designing tailored integrations to third-party CRM and E-commerce services.

These days I'm focusing in building accessible and enjoyable digital experiences while learning and keeping up with the latest technologies.

When I'm not at the computer, I'm usually playing paddel, hanging out with my wife or enjoying a long walk.


  1. 2021 - Present

    Deliver high-quality, robust and scalable code for the top E-commerce / CRM (and our own) platforms including: Shopify, WooCommerce, Gorgias, Zendesk, Sunshine Conversations, Salesforce, Dixa, Easysize and more. Develop tailor-made integrations for our customers' needs and managed the evolution of their project & solutions.

    • React
    • Javascript (ES7+)
    • Python
    • GraphQL
    • Docker
    • A.I.
    • RestAPI
    • Azure Insights/Devops
    • Django
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JQuery
    • Liquid
    • SDKs
  2. 2021 - Present

    Develop, maintain and ship production code for client websites, including payment systems, databases and protected pathing.

    • React
    • JavaScript (ES7+)
    • TypeScript
    • NextJS 13
    • A.I.
    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • TailwindCSS
    • GraphQL
    • Python
    • Django
    • MUI
    • Bootstrap
    • ChakraUI
    • MongoDB
    • Prisma
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • SDKs


  1. LupiSite • Lucia Marconi's Website

    Clinical Dietitian's website with light/dark theme, Paypal and MercadoPago payment services and responsive designs. It includes file downloads (links by ENV vars) and appointment picker (v2 soon)

    • NextJs (13.4)
    • React
    • Typescript
    • Axios
    • Tailwind CSS
    • HeadlessUI
    • Paypal SDK
    • MercadoPago SDK
  2. NewBieNB • Airbnb Clone

    AirBnB clone from scratch with both visitor and host functionalities. It includes image uploads,filtering (by URLsearchParams), dynamic search (with map, date/range picker), faving and more.

    • NextJs (13.4)
    • Next-Auth
    • Google OAuth
    • Github OAuth
    • React
    • Typescript
    • Axios
    • Prisma
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Cloudinary
    • Vercel
  3. GameHub • Game Discovery App

    Mini version of GameHub's website with several useful features like theme-toggle, dynamic search and filtering by platform,genre, date and more.

    • ViteJs
    • React
    • Typescript
    • ChakraUI
    • Axios
    • Framer Motion
  4. TopoliArts • Art Platform

    Hackathon 2021 Champions pair-programming project. TopoliArts is a platform where professional artists, as mentors, offer courses and interact with students. It includes Stripe Payments, role dependant dashboard (creating portfolio and creating courses) and chatrooms.

    • React
    • NodeJs
    • ExpressJs
    • MaterialUI
    • Axios
    • Stripe
    • SocketIO
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose

Other Noteworthy Projects

  • Animated Component Library

    Complex animated and styled components to demo functionalities/styles to apply to future projects including date-dn libraries and aria components.

    • React
    • FramerMotion
    • TailwindCSS
  • Popups Prototype

    Chatbot popup generator (styled to demo v1 and v2 of Certainly's platform) that fetches, creates and edits popup objects and stores them in Localstorage to be pushed to Azure to be linked to the UUID of the correct chatbot instance.

    • React
    • Bootstrap
    • MUI
  • Folder

    Gorgias Scraper

    Powerful app to scrape Cloudflare's anti-bot protection helpcenters (Gorgias, Zendesk). It returns a CSV file ready to generate embeddings via OpenAI's embeddings engine. It tokenizes and converts to markdown language in order to remove imgs and videos.

    • Python
    • Splash
    • Scrapy
    • Docker
    • AI
  • Folder

    Shopify Products Scraper

    Javascript snippet to scrape Shopify products and format the response to create a CSV file for embeddings generation. It can be complemented by the use of a tokenizer

    • Javascript
    • Shopify Plus
    • GraphQL

04.What’s Next?

Get In Touch

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!

Coded in Visual Studio Code by yours truly. Built with Next.js 13.4 and Tailwind CSS, deployed with Vercel. All text is set in the Inter typeface.